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Municipal Leadership Structure

Each municipality has a political and administrative arm.

  • Political Structure

    The Langeberg Municipal Council have the executive and legislative authority to make decisions and create by-laws and policies.

    Residents elect political representatives of their local council to serve a 5 year term. The political party seats in council are given according to the percentage of votes that they received in the area as a whole.

    Following the local government elections that took place on the 1 November 2021, the Langeberg Municipality has been structured with the embodiment of a Council as follows:

    There are a total of 23 councillors with 12 being ward councillors and 11 being proportional representation councillors. 

    The Democratic Alliance (DA) has the majority seats of 10 councillors. The African National Congress (ANC) has 6 seats. Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) has 3 seats. Another 4 parties each have one elected representative on the council. One GOOD member, one People's Democratic Movement (PDM) member, one Langeberg Independent Party (LIP) member and one Patriotic Alliance (PA) member.

    The community can however also participate in government’s decision-making processes not only during elections but on an ongoing basis.


    The municipal council is led by an Executive Mayor, Alderman SW van Eeden. The Executive Mayor of the Langeberg takes overall strategic and political responsibility for the area.

    Van Eeden has been a member of the Langeberg Municipal Council since 2000, when the municipalities amalgamated. His extensive career in politics includes such highlights as serving in the Langeberg and Cape Winelands District municipalities simultaneously (2006-2011), being elected Mayco Member responsible for Infrastructure (2011-2016) and being elected Speaker of the council (2016-2020) and serve as Executive Mayor since August 2020.

    “In this term we will start by doing the basics right, by providing cost-effective, quality service to all citizens of Langeberg. We will be creating more jobs to better the lives of our people.”

    Committee Functions


    • Pass by-laws:  local laws and regulations about any of the functions they are responsible for. By-laws may not contradict or over-rule any national laws.
    • Approve budgets and development plans: every year a municipal budget must be passed that sets down how money will be raised and spent. 
    • The council should approve an overall plan for how development should take place in the area. This is called an Integrated Development Plan [IDP] and all projects and planning should happen within the framework of the IDP. 
    • Impose rates and other taxes: property rates are a form of tax that municipalities can place on the value of properties. It is an important source of income.
    • Charge service fees: for use of municipal services like water, electricity, libraries, etc.
    • Impose fines: for anyone who breaks municipal by-laws or regulations, for example traffic fines, littering or library fines.
    • Borrow money: the council may agree to take a loan for a development or other project and to use the municipal assets as surety.

    Decisions about most of the above must be made in full council meetings. Many of the minor decisions that municipalities have to take can be delegated to exco, portfolio committees or to officials or other agencies that are contracted to deliver services.

    All councils have the following structures:

    • A mayor who heads the council.
    • An executive or mayoral committee that meets regularly to co-ordinate the work of council and make recommendations to council.
    • A speaker who chairs council meetings.
    • Council meetings where the full council meets to make decisions.
    • Committees where a few councillors meet to discuss specific issues.


    The Executive Mayor may appoint a Mayoral Committee that will assist in making decisions, proposals and plans that have to be approved by council.


    Portfolio Committees are appointed in terms of section 80 of the Municipal Structures Act as permanent committees that specialise in a specific functional area of the municipality and may in some instances make decisions on specific functional issues. They advise the Executive Mayor on policy matters and make recommendations to the Executive Mayor.

    Portfolio Committee are chaired by the Deputy Mayor, and the members of the Executive Mayoral Committee.


    MPAC committee members are appointed to strengthen oversight within the municipality and to determine the institutional functionality of the Municipal Council in terms of effectiveness.


    The municipality work together with Ward Committees in its public participation processes and reach the community by disseminating information to them, by engaging with them in consultation and by allowing community inputs in municipal decision-making regarding service delivery, developing credible IDPs, policy formulation, budgeting processes and organisational performance. 

    For this purpose, the Ward Committees of Langeberg Municipality hold various meetings with the community e.g. IDP Community Input Meetings, Ward Based Planning Sessions and ordinary Community Feedback Meetings. In addition to this, a number of Community Outreach Programmes are also rolled out in the different wards. 

    Each of the 12 Wards comprise of approximately ten blocks that are represented by the community elected Ward Committee member (non-political representative).

    The purpose of a ward committee member is:

    • To get better participation from the community to inform council decisions.
    • To make sure that there is more effective communication between the council and the community.
    • To assist the ward councillor with consultation and report-backs to the community.
    • The ward councillor also serves on the ward committee and should act as the chairperson.
    • Ward committees have no formal powers but can advise the ward councillor or make submissions directly to council.
    • It should also participate in drawing up the Integrated Development Plan of the area.

    Meet Your Councillor


    Cllr. C. Steyn | Ward 1

    067 401 3181
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee membership 
    - Executive Mayoral Committee   
    - Portfolio Committee: Corporate Services Chairperson
    - Section 80 Committee
    Performance Management Committee
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Ethics Committee
    Human Resource Development Working Group
    - Local Labour Forum and Subcommittee: Workplace and Service Restructuring Committee
    - Local Labour Forum Subcommittee: Basic Conditions Committee
    - Skills Development Committee
    - Robertson Museum Board of Trustees

    Cllr. L. Gxowa | Ward 2

    060 431 2223
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    Political Party: African National Congress

    Committee membership 
    - Municipal Public Accounts Committee
    - Portfolio Committee: Engineering Services
    - Ethics Committee
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Robertson Hospital Board (Secundus)
    - SALA Pension Fund
    - Nkqubela Clinic Committee

    Cllr. P. Hess | Ward 3

    074 758 6610
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee membership 
    - Speaker of Council  
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Ethics Committee Chairperson
    - Provincial Health Council
    - Bergsig Clinic Committee

    Cllr. J.J.J.S. January | Ward 4

    076 085 6063
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    Political Party: African National Congress

    Committees Membership
    - Municipal Public Accounts Committee
    - Portfolio Committee: Engineering Services
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Appeals Committee
    - Human Resource Development Working Group (Secundus)
    - Happy Valley Clinic Committee

    Cllr. M.G. Oostendorff-Kraukamp | Ward 5

    078 086 0962
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee Membership 
    - Portfolio Committee: Community Services
    - Portfolio Committee: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Appeals Committee
    - McGregor Policing Forum
    - McGregor Clinic Committee

    Cllr. D.B. Janse | Ward 6

    072 030 7436
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee membership 
    - Municipal Public Accounts Committee  
    Portfolio Committee: Corporate Services
    Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Water User Association of Kleurkloof
    - Robertson Museum Board of Trustees

    Cllr. D.A.T Felix | Ward 7

    081 762 0018
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committees Membership
    - Executive Mayoral Committee
    - Section 80 Committee 
    - Portfolio Committee: Financial Services Chairperson
    Performance Management Committee
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Ethics Committee (Secundus)
    Municipal Finance and Corporate Working Group
    - Cogmanskloof Irrigation Board
    - Water User Association - Central Breede River
    - Montagu Policing Forum
    - Montagu Museum Board
    - Montagu Clinic Committee

    Ald. S.W. Van Eeden | Ward 8

    082 788 2234
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee Membership
    - Executive Mayoral Committee
    - Section 80 Committee
    - Performance Management Committee
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Provincial and District Intergovernmental Forums
    - Governence, Intergovernmental Relations and International Relations Working Group
    - Water User Association of Kabousriver

    Cllr. Y. Siegel | Ward 9

    083 993 3496
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committee Membership:
    - Portfolio Committee: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Water User Association - Marthinusvlei
    - Social Development, Health and Safety Working Group
    - Ashton Community Policing Forum
    - Cogmanskloof Clinic Committee

    Cllr. A. Ndongeni | Ward 10

    073 426 1867
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    Political Party:  African National Congress

    Committee Membership:
    - Portfolio Committee: Community Services
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Lingelihle Home for the Aged and Disabled
    - Zolani Clinic Committee

    Cllr. J.C.J Coetzee | Ward 11

    082 729 7839
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committees Membership
    - Executive Mayoral Committee
    - Section 80 Committee
    - Portfolio Committee: Engineering Services Chairperson
    Performance Management Committee
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Municipal Services and Infrastructure Working Group
    ProvTech Provincial Department of Transport
    - Water User Association of Robertson Sub Council
    - Robertson Community Policing Forum

    Cllr. C.J. Pokwas | Ward 12

    082 707 1496
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committees Membership
    Portfolio Committee: Community Services
    Portfolio Committee: Financial Services
    - Ward Committee Chairperson
    - Montagu Museum Board (Secundus)
    - Montagu Health and Wellness Committee

    Cllr. J.G. Steenkamp

    082 554 0863
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    Political Party: Freedom Front Plus

    Committees Membership
    - Portfolio Committee: Financial Services

    Cllr. L.J Prince

    074 810 4947
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    Political Party: Democratic Alliance

    Committees Membership
    - Municipal Public Accounts Committee
    - Portfolio Committee: Engineering Services
    - Portfolio Committee: Financial Services
    - SALGA Women's Commission
    - Appeals Committee

    - Local Labour Forum and Human Resources Development Sub-Committee

    Cllr. R.C. Henn

    079 072 8383
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    Political Party: Freedom Front Plus

    Committees Membership
    - Portfolio Committee: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services
    Economic Development Planning & Environmental Working Group
    - Social Development, Health and Safety Working Group (Secundus)
    - Robertson Hospital Board
    - Langeberg Health Facility Board

    Cllr. T.V. Coetzee

    082 417 8597
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    Political Party: Freedom Front Plus

    Committees Membership
    Portfolio Committee: Engineering Services
    - Municipal services and infrastructure working group (Secundus)
    - Water user association - Zanddrift
    - Breede-Olifants Catchment Management Agency

    Cllr. C. Baartman

    078 104 2871
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    Political Party: African National Congress

    Committee Membership:
    - Portfolio Committee: Corporate Services

    Cllr. J.S. Mafilika

    063 159 4461
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    Political Party: African National Congress

    Committee Membership:
    Portfolio Committee: Financial Services
    - Municipal Finance and Corporate Working Group (Secundus)
    - Medical Aids

    Cllr. L.L. Kahla

    071 170 6424
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    Political Party: African National Congress

    Committee Membership:
    - Portfolio Committee: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services
    - Bonnievale Community Policing Forum
    - Cape Winelands District Assessment Committee
    - Women Commissioner

    ALD. C.J. GROOTBOOM | Deputy Mayor

    073 252 4135
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    Political Party: People's Democratic Movement

    Committee Membership:
    - Executive Mayoral Committee
    - Section 80 Committee

    - Portfolio Committee: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services Chairperson
    - Performance Management Committee
    - Ethics Committee
    - Consolidated Retirement Fund
    - Local Labour Forum and Basic Conditions Sub Committee
    - Economic Development Planning & Environmental Working Group (Secundus)
    - Social Development, Health and Safety Working Group
    - Langeberg Landelike Ontwikkelingsvereniging

    Cllr. S.E. Rensenburg

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Political Party: Patriotic Alliance

    Committees Membership
    Portfolio Committee: Corporate Services

    Cllr. D. September

    060 433 3192
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    Political Party: LIP

    Committee membership 
    - Executive Mayoral Committee
    - Municipal Public Accounts Committee Chairperson
    - Portfolio Committee: Community Services Chairperson
    Portfolio Committee: Corporate Services
    - Local Labour Forum and Human resources Development Subcommittee Committee
    - Robertson Community Policing Forum

    Cllr. M. Gertse

    063 009 0519
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    Political Party: GOOD

    Committee membership
    - Portfolio Committee: Community Services
    - Ashton Community Policing Forum (Secundus)
    - Ashton BRAM Patient Care Centre
    - LA Retirement Fund
    - Montagu Hospital Council

    Meet your Ward Committee Member

    • Robertson

      • Ward 1

        Block 1

        Ernest Liebich
        079 587 8765

        Block Boundary
        Kromhout-, Constitution-, Victoria-, Adderley-, Piet Retief-, Barry-, Willemnel Street

        Block 2

        Leon Rosser
        082 920 2304

        Block Boundary
        Hoop-, Swellendam-, Mark-, Constantia-, Van Reenen-, Malherbe-, White-, Barry-, Keerom-, Van Der Stel-, Smal Streetms

        Block 3

        --- --- ----

        Block Boundary
        Kerk-, Robertson-, Van Renen-, White-, Truter-, Barry-, Piet Retief-, Paul Kruger-, Reitz-, Dirkie Uys Street

        Block 4

        Stephen Jones
        083 555 4620

        Block Boundary
        Truter-, Warren-, Albert-, Le Roux-, Van Zyl-, Loop-, Neethlingsingel, Barry-, Piet Retief-, Paul Kruger-, Reitz-, Dirkie Uys-, Van Oudtshoorn Street

        Block 5

        Curtley Rossouw
        083 259 5667

        Block Boundary
        Van Zyl-, Loop-, Pollack-, Waterkant-, Barry-, Piet Retief-, Paul Kruger-, Ash-, Smith-, Van Oudtshoorn Street

        Block 6

        Murray Macdonald
        084 667 0615

        Block Boundary
        White-, Truter-, Albert-, Le Roux-, Van Zyl-, Loop-, Pollack-, Barry-, Keerom Street, Hopley Avenue, Freemans Avenue

        Block 7

        Piet Veldsman
        062 572 5323

        Block Boundary
        Akasia -, Aster -, Cestrum -, Freesia -, Papawer -, Cestrum -, Viola Avenue

        Block 8

        Sarie Davids
        073 695 1805

        Block Boundary
        Akasi -, Aster -, Sweetpea -, Alphinia -, Hibiscus -, Disa -, Mimosa -, Rosa -, Viola -, Leeubekkielaan, Sweetpealaan, Alberta -, Mimosa Avenue

        Block 9

        Monica Tiras
        074 659 6410

        Block Boundary
        Loop Street, Vierde -, Sonskyn Avenue, Scholtz Street, Hospitaal Avenue, Wesley -, Sainsbury -, Park Street, Eerste -, Tweede -, Derde Avenue

        Block 10

        Siloya Hopp
        078 956 5800

        Block Boundary
        Polacka -, Coetzee -, Wesley -, Tindal -Tienvoet -, Paul Kruger Street

      • Ward 2

        Block 1

        Musewenkosi Nyamana
        072 229 1691

        Block Boundary
        Dwara, Nentsa, Luthuli, Shilowa, Mzabalzo, Nonyawaza, Mabombo, Mpini,, Mafilika, Rorwana , Nyamana

        Block 2

        Nomatha Marareni
        063 580 9832

        Block Boundary
        Entlango, Vulindlela, Nkonjane, Bashaye, Mpolweni

        Block 3

        Babalwa Madonono
        071 747 1305

        Block Boundary
        Emlanjeni, Ekuthuleni, Dibandlela, Mpoweni, Moyani,Kuyasa, Nkonjane, Mzola, Dayi

        Block 4

        Xolile Mxakaza
        084 399 6615

        Block Boundary
        Ekupumleni, Lusindiso, Emlanjeni, Ntomzima

        Block 5

        Zolani Sokutapa
        074 442 0048

        Block Boundary
        Ekupumleni, Ntonzima, Mthutise, Ekupumleni, Tshazimpunzi,Silimela, Hani, Wolhuter, Masakhane, Burwana, Biko

        Block 6

        Solomon Khuselo
        063 764 1544

        Block Boundary
        Silimela, Sameul, Dayi, Burwana, May, Stuurman, Mokweni, Nentsa, August, Dantis, Qhanqiso, Mbeki

        Block 7

        Morris Kopani
        063 995 9303

        Block Boundary
        Sisulu, Foloti, Nogorha, Mandela, Shibili, Maliti, Mhobo

        Block 8

        Julius Rum
        071 635 1016

        Block Boundary
        Lucy Mase, Tsomo, Makhosi, Liwani, Sisulu, Lady Frere, Mandela, Sterkspruit,Sobukwe, Tsulelo, Qgabi

        Block 9

        Nomzi Siqangwe
        060 407 2172

        Block Boundary
        Enkanini Area

        Block 10

        Gideon Silwana
        082 523 5089

        Block Boundary
        Hohlo, Mbotshana, Tiko, Ndongeni, Khonco

      • Ward 3

        Block 1

        Adri Pretorius
        081 740 4582

        Block Boundary
        Kloof-, Jubel-, Irris-, Heuwel-, Dagbreek Street

        Block 2

        Thembelane Beat
        062 634 4887

        Block Boundary
        Bergsig-, Fleur-, Dagbreek-, Coligny-, Erica- Heuwel-, George Street

        Block 3

        Susan Hartzenberg
        071 485 1457

        Block Boundary
        Wesley-, Protea-, Vygie-, Hospitaal-, Heide-, Paddy Street

        Block 4

        Hendrick Arendse
        072 744 5170

        Block Boundary
        Hospitaal-, Hager-, Hokims-, Sonskyn-, Park-, Eerste- De Villiers-, Rivier-, Schaif Street

        Block 5

        Jakobus Windvogel
        076 073 1580

        Block Boundary
        Boegoebos, Doringbos, Aalwynbos, Blombos, Pepperbos, Klapperbos, Bloubos

        Block 6

        Jeflin Smith
        073 606 1392

        Block Boundary
        Rolbos, Granaatbos, Rooibroodbos, Taaibos, Bloubos Bloekombos, Lusernbos

        Block 7

        Christine Jacobs
        064 434 5109

        Block Boundary
        Luernbos, Rolbos, Bloubos

        Block 8

        Karel Fortuin
        078 675 4407

        Block Boundary
        Watsonia-, Affodil-, Dahlia-, Jasmyn-, Richter- Nerina-, Sonneblom-, Japonika Street

        Block 9

        Monique Eyssen
        067 347 9386

        Block Boundary
        Paddy-, Africa-, Pietersen-, Jansen-, Meyer-, Octobert-, De Wit Street

        Block 10

        Koos Joseph
        082 454 3680

        Block Boundary
        Wesley-, Johnson-, Anthony-, Paul Kruger, Dordrecht-, Bosheuwel-, Leeuwin-, Van Oudtshoorn-, Coetzee, De Wet-, Solomon, Meyer, Parel, Waterkant Street

      • Ward 6

        Block 1

        Cheryl Carelse
        079 749 5326

        Block Boundary
        Muller-, Malva- and Igloo Street

        Block 2

        Trunell Cooksen
        073 006 7225

        Block Boundary
        Malva-, Kloof- and Langeberg Street

        Block 3

        Piet Eyssen
        079 344 0790

        Block Boundary
        Narina-, Jones-, Orley-, Roos-, Bergonia-, Petunia-, Watsonia-, Rosita- and Sonneblom Street

        Block 4

        Chrystal Pieterse
        066 560 7750

        Block Boundary

        Block 5

        Muriël Pietersen
        084 788 6975

        Block Boundary

        Block 6

        Gert Olckers
        076 392 6806

        Block Boundary

        Block 7

        Elizabeth George
        063 257 3634

        Block Boundary

        Block 8

        Slameace Adonis
        065 728 1992

        Block Boundary

        Block 9

        Elzaan Verneel
        076 142 3003

        Block Boundary
        De Hoop

        Block 10

        Christopher Hunoldt
        083 383 0510

        Block Boundary

      • Ward 11

        Block 1

        Moos Baartman
        076 874 4299

        Block Boundary
        Wonderfontein, Proefplaas, Meyers Hill Farms

        Block 2

        Jan Verhoog
        084 988 1836

        Block Boundary
        Klipboschlaagte, Lucerne, Klipbos, Springfield, Cloverfield, Riverton, Bon Courage, Welgeluk Farms

        Block 3

        Andries Windvogel
        063 833 3769

        Block Boundary
        Saratoga, Mon Don, Rosedale, Sonskyn, Sint Kilda Farms

        Block 4

        Hansie Volschenk
        082 429 6285

        Block Boundary
        Van Loveren, Rietvallei, Rietvlei, Jacques Kriel farms up to Phillip Viljoen Farm

        Block 5

        Rosslyn Fuller
        079 850 7798

        Block Boundary
        Prospect plase, Chris De Wet to Excelsior, Rouxvale, Kerneels Brink and Marais Brink Farms

        Block 6

        Abraham Jacobs
        079 976 4143

        Block Boundary
        Normandie, Arabella, Willie Bruwer, Indingo, Roselandia , the farms of Ashton Canning and Stockwell school 
        adjacent Farm.

        Block 7

        Francois Tredoux
        064 668 6272

        Block Boundary
        Montagu South

        Block 8

        Krisna Kleinhans
        082 079 4464

        Block Boundary
        Van Oudshoorn to De Jong Rylaan to Van Zylstraat as outside borders.
        Polack-,Gum Grove-, Roodezand-, Waveren-, King-, Eilandia-, Visarend-, Pinotage-, Merlot-, Cinaut-,
        Leerdam-, Nassau-, E Buren-, Drommedaris-, Van Riebeeck-, Goedehoop, Geelhoutlaan-, Ribbok-, Nyala-, Bontebok-, Grysbok-, Duiker-, Springbok Street/Avenue.

        Block 9

        Elize du Toit
        073 997 7158

        Block Boundary
        Church -, Dirkie Uys-, Van Zyl-, De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Ficuslaan, Elimlaan, Dennelaan, Eben Dongeslaan, Cedarlaan, Bloekomlaan,

        Block 10

        Christiaan Fourie
        076 317 1138

        Block Boundary
        Church-, Piet Retief-, Voortrekker- and De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Hoop-, Adderley-, Victoria-, Konstitusie-, Dirkie Uys-, Paul Kruger-, Reitz, Short-, Lang- and Industria road.

    • Montagu

      • Ward 7

        Block 1

        Graeme Delderfield
        079 948 1154

        Block Boundary
        Mill-, Mount-, Grey-, Karolien crecent, Kloof-, Piet se Pad, Tolbos, Waboomsdraai, Keerom, Amandela venue, Loop-, Lintvelt-, Kort-, Klip-, Berg avenue, Grave-, Krom-, Bree-, Keisie-, Tanner Street

        Block 2

        Jacobus De Kock

        Block Boundary
        Long-, Rose-, Bath-, Brown-, Middle-, Barry-, Hoog-, Bel-, Piet Retief-, Church-, Bloem-, Kruin crecent, Le Roux Street

        Block 3

        Absolon Willemse
        060 332 7918

        Block Boundary
        Kohler-, Lang-, Bath-, Du Toit-, Piet Retief-, Jouberts-, Le Roux-, Hof-, Mark-, Unie-, Parks-, Buitekant-, Crosss-, Sultana crecent, Barlinkaweg, Cabernet-, Cinsaunt-, Muskadelway Street

        Block 4

        Oortman Kiewiets
        082 518 0261

        Block Boundary
        David-, Jacob-, Nel-, Wilhelm-, Thys avenue, Du Toitstr, Parring-, Andries-, Africa-, Johnsons-, Banie Street

        Block 5

        Quintus Terblanche
        074 779 5335

        Block Boundary
        Sacco-, Pokwas-, Du Preez-, Felix-, Andersons-, Van Wyk-, Cupido Street

        Block 6

        Cathleen Plaaitjies
        079 944 9032

        Block Boundary
        Du Preez-, Stuart-, Mohammed-, Van Turha-, Simon-, Strydom-, Titus-, Goetham-, Boesak-, Fluks-, Le Kay-, Banie Street

        Block 7

        Darryl Bottrie
        060 922 7676

        Block Boundary
        Pekeur-, Saunders-, Goedtham-, Wilhelm-, Thyslaan, Ismael-, Staal-, Visser-, Klaassen-, Stevens Street

        Block 8

        Abe Blaauw
        076 202 0022

        Block Boundary
        Bergsig, Badshoogte and Springs

        Block 9

        Dennis Jonker
        078 075 9357

        Block Boundary
        Talana, Klipkuil area, farms in area

        Block 10

        Jan Oncke
        071 393 5054

        Block Boundary
        Wardia area, farms in area – Barrydale road

      • Ward 11

        Block 1

        Moos Baartman
        076 874 4299

        Block Boundary
        Wonderfontein, Proefplaas, Meyers Hill Farms

        Block 2

        Jan Verhoog
        084 988 1836

        Block Boundary
        Klipboschlaagte, Lucerne, Klipbos, Springfield, Cloverfield, Riverton, Bon Courage, Welgeluk Farms

        Block 3

        Andre Windvogel
        063 833 3769

        Block Boundary
        Saratoga, Mon Don, Rosedale, Sonskyn, Sint Kilda Farms

        Block 4

        Hansie Volschenk
        082 429 6285

        Block Boundary
        Van Loveren, Rietvallei, Rietvlei, Jacques Kriel farms up to Phillip Viljoen Farm

        Block 5

        Rosslyn Fuller
        079 850 7798

        Block Boundary
        Prospect plase, Chris De Wet to Excelsior, Rouxvale, Kerneels Brink and Marais Brink Farms

        Block 6

        Abraham Jacobs
        079 976 4143

        Block Boundary
        Normandie, Arabella, Willie Bruwer, Indingo, Roselandia , the farms of Ashton Canning and Stockwell school adjacent Farm.

        Block 7

        Francois Tredoux
        064 668 6272

        Block Boundary
        Montagu South

        Block 8

        Krisna Kleinhans
        082 079 4464

        Block Boundary
        Van Oudshoorn to De Jong Rylaan to Van Zylstraat as outside borders.
        Polack-,Gum Grove-, Roodezand-, Waveren-, King-, Eilandia-, Visarend-, Pinotage-, Merlot-, Cinaut-,
        Leerdam-, Nassau-, E Buren-, Drommedaris-, Van Riebeeck-, Goedehoop, Geelhoutlaan-, Ribbok-, Nyala-, Bontebok-, Grysbok-, Duiker-, Springbok Street/Avenue.

        Block 9

        Elize du Toit
        073 997 7158

        Block Boundary
        Church -, Dirkie Uys-, Van Zyl-, De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Ficuslaan, Elimlaan, Dennelaan, Eben Dongeslaan, Cedarlaan, Bloekomlaan, Jakarandalaan.

        Block 10

        Christiaan Fourie
        076 317 1138

        Block Boundary
        Church-, Piet Retief-, Voortrekker- and De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Hoop-, Adderley-, Victoria-, Konstitusie-, Dirkie Uys-, Paul Kruger-, Reitz, Short-, Lang- and Industria road.

      • Ward 12

        Block 1

        Spasina Herder
        063 881 3438

        Block Boundary
        Sipres-, Sitrus-, Seder-, Geelhout-, Ficus-, Doringboom-, Hibiscus avenue

        Block 2

        Roseline Jones
        071 733 8106

        Block Boundary
        Balderjanstreet, Karmedik crecent, Roosmaryn avenue, Bakbosstreet, Tienieway

        Block 3

        Eben Slingers
        061 275 8702

        Block Boundary
        Eike-, Palm-, Jakaranda-, Denne-, Mimosa-, Bloekomlaan, Populier Avenue

        Block 4

        Lea Conradie
        079 975 5791

        Block Boundary
        Eike avenue , Alwyn avenue , Akasia avenue , Olyfboom avenue , Waboom crecent

        Block 5

        Alfredeuw Wewers
        083 540 6504

        Block Boundary
        Wilger-, Eike-, Swartolien-, Salie-, Rooikrans-, Ysterhout-, Karee-, Olien-, Soetdoring avenue 

        Block 6

        Albert Plaatjies
        079 477 9863

        Block Boundary
        Olien-, Botterboom-, Gwarrie-, Peperboom-, Besembos-, Gannabos-, Koeniebos-, Taaibos-, Suikerbos avenue

        Block 7

        Franciska Swart
        071 048 3099

        Block Boundary
        Karee-, Olien-, Harpuis-, Kriedoring-, Katdoring-, Lemoendoring avenue, Rietvlei no.2

        Block 8

        Antonie Klein
        023 100 0437

        Block Boundary
        Baden and Pietersfontein

        Block 9

        Bettie Jakobus

        Block Boundary

        Block 10

        Cupido Appolis
        073 430 6730

        Block Boundary

    • Ashton

      • Ward 9

        Block 1

        Dawid Geduld
        060 481 4353

        Block Boundary

        Block 2

        Sonia Douwrie
        071 640 0081

        Block Boundary
        Corronation-, Wilger-, Disa-, Karee-, Olyfboom Street

        Block 3

        Henry Abrahams
        073 471 3726

        Block Boundary
        Krisant-, Corronation- , Delphinium-, Gladiolilaan-, Renonkel-, Iris-, Middel Street

        Block 4

        Pieter Januarie
        061 296 3833

        Block Boundary
        Orgidieë-, Lelie-, Amarilla-, Roses-, Narsing-, Madeliefie-, Iris-, Blue bells-, Jasmein-, Astersingel-, Middel Street

        Block 5

        Chantelle Fortuin
        074 577 3254

        Block Boundary
        Roosmarynsingel, Sweetpeasingel, Magnolia, Dahlia, Gousblom, Fuchia, Anemoon Fucia, Vygie, Anemoon, Kosmossingel, Viooltjiesingel, Gazaniasingel, Verbeniasingel, Sparaxissingel, Middelstraat, Begonia Street

        Block 6

        Nicole van Eck
        078 607 5516

        Block Boundary
        Begonia-, Olien-, Nemesia-, Primula-, Dafodil-, Kiepesol-, Freesia Street, Ploxsingel, Tulpsingel, Hanekamsingel, Marigoldsingel, Geraniumsingel, Salviasingel, Lotus Street, Cliviasingel, Leeubekkiesingel (Riemvasmaak) 

        Block 7

        Stoffelina Buis
        061 979 7083

        Block Boundary
        Mahonie-, Sipres-, Burkea-, Acacia-, Jakaranda-, Disa-, Bloekom-, Maroela-, Protea Street

        Block 8


        Block Boundary
        Spoorlaan, La Rochelle-, West-, Voortrekker-, Hoofweg-, Faure-, Bruwer-, Waterkant-, Noord-, De Villiers-, Fullard-, Wuim-, Kort-, Green-, Louw-, Park Street

        Block 9

        Lilian Patsy Du Toit
        082 520 2039

        Block Boundary
        George-, De Wet-, Kloof-, Buitekant-, Paul Kruger-, Barry-, Tindale-, Montagu-, Roodewal-, Rivera-, Loop-, Fullard Street

        Block 10

        Ashley Gertse
        072 794 7687

        Block Boundary
        Populier-, Eike-, Olien-, Denne-, Gardenia-, Uitspan Street

      • Ward 10

        Block 1

        Ntshokoleng Kumeke
        078 520 4621

        Block Boundary
        Building-, Notwalana-, Zwedala- and Dudumashe-, Mketsu-, Xanywa-, Mafuya- and Madlolo Street

        Block 2

        Sakhumzi November
        068 322 6163

        Block Boundary
        Mketsu-, Mkhohli-, Khuselo-, Mantlana- and Zwedala- Fanele-, Kwinana-, Nel-, Dudumashe-,Suluba- and Mbeka Street

        Block 3

        Siyabonga Nkomonye
        081 479 7292

        Block Boundary
        Mantlana-, Wenzile-, Dr Nqawe-, Mabombo Mkungekwa-, Mbotshelwa- and Mtebe Street

        Block 4

        Nomapostile Ntlalombi
        084 915 3358

        Block Boundary
        Dudumashe-, Mantlana-, Matoti-, Tshoto Gaveni-, Nogemane-, Mtebe-, Memani-, Langs-, Mana-, Mbuza-, Msokisi-, Mangcola-, Libalele-, Sibunzi-, Bayley Street

        Block 5

        Vuyolwethu Mrubata
        081 406 3937

        Block Boundary
        Mantlana-, Jaftha-, Faleni-, Ndyinini-, Sixishe-, Tokwe-, Msizi Nyumbeka Street

        Block 6

        Khaka Mpiko
        078 071 1880

        Block Boundary
        Father Weader-, Walaza-, Spofana-, Dawie Bocsh Magoqoza-, Masela-, Movane-, Plaastjie-, Teu and Cona Street

        Block 7

        Mbuyiselo Selani
        083 818 5506

        Block Boundary
        Matroos-, Motasi-, Ntantiso-, Ndinisa Mase-, Gwebityala-, Matroos-, Mhlom-, Booysen Street

        Block 8

        Billyboy Xabela
        060 334 7071

        Block Boundary
        Maqolo-, Spofana-, Krewu-, Khosi-, Thyalisisu Gcwabe-, Jantjies-, Quwe-, Khuse-, Mobo Street

        Block 9

        Aphiwe Matroos
        081 360 5532

        Block Boundary
        Building-, Kalase-, Skelenge-, bougard-, Faleni Klaas-, Ndabeni-, Majola Street

        Block 10

        Nomahlubi Mzini
        072 986 1591

        Block Boundary

      • Ward 11

        Block 1

        Moos Baartman
        076 874 4299

        Block Boundary
        Wonderfontein, Proefplaas, Meyers Hill Farms

        Block 2

        Jan Verhoog
        084 988 1836

        Block Boundary
        Klipboschlaagte, Lucerne, Klipbos, Springfield, Cloverfield, Riverton, Bon Courage, Welgeluk Farms

        Block 3

        Andries Windvogel
        063 833 3769

        Block Boundary
        Saratoga, Mon Don, Rosedale, Sonskyn, Sint Kilda Farms

        Block 4

        Hansie Volschenk
        082 429 6285

        Block Boundary
        Van Loveren, Rietvallei, Rietvlei, Jacques Kriel farms up to Phillip Viljoen Farm

        Block 5

        Rosslyn Fuller
        079 850 7798

        Block Boundary
        Prospect plase, Chris De Wet to Excelsior, Rouxvale, Kerneels Brink and Marais Brink Farms

        Block 6

        Abraham Jacobs
        079 976 4143

        Block Boundary
        Normandie, Arabella, Willie Bruwer, Indingo, Roselandia , the farms of Ashton Canning and Stockwell school adjacent Farm.

        Block 7

        Francois Tredoux
        064 668 6272

        Block Boundary
        Montagu South

        Block 8

        Krisna Kleinhans
        082 079 4464

        Block Boundary
        Van Oudshoorn to De Jong Rylaan to Van Zylstraat as outside borders.
        Polack-,Gum Grove-, Roodezand-, Waveren-, King-, Eilandia-, Visarend-, Pinotage-, Merlot-, Cinaut-,
        Leerdam-, Nassau-, E Buren-, Drommedaris-, Van Riebeeck-, Goedehoop, Geelhoutlaan-, Ribbok-, Nyala-, Bontebok-, Grysbok-, Duiker-, Springbok Street/Avenue.

        Block 9

        Elize du Toit
        073 997 7158

        Block Boundary
        Church -, Dirkie Uys-, Van Zyl-, De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Ficuslaan, Elimlaan, Dennelaan, Eben Dongeslaan, Cedarlaan, Bloekomlaan, Jakarandalaan.

        Block 10

        Christiaan Fourie
        076 317 1138

        Block Boundary
        Church-, Piet Retief-, Voortrekker- and De Jong Rylaan as outside borders.
        Hoop-, Adderley-, Victoria-, Konstitusie-, Dirkie Uys-, Paul Kruger-, Reitz, Short-, Lang- and Industria road.

    • Bonnievale

      • Ward 4

        Block 1

        Azalma Ross
        064 985 5324

        Block Boundary
        Hannepoot, Krista-, Barlinka-, Muskade-

        Block 2

        William Kortje
        064 877 1634

        Block Boundary
        Hill-, Kloof-, Almeria-, Braaf Street

        Block 3

        Mbawgi Ngwenya
        072 561 9719

        Block Boundary
        Boekenhoudskloof Informal Settlement

        Block 4

        Sina Conradie
        072 227 4573

        Block Boundary
        Milner-, Barlinka, Frans-, Adendorf-, New Cross Street

        Block 5

        Brendoline Siegelaar
        072 863 1294

        Block Boundary
        Buitekant-, Moos Snyman-, Lombaard-, Januarie Street

        Block 6

        Lilian Pawuli
        072 220 7036

        Block Boundary
        Milner-, Almeria-, Madeliefie Street

        Block 7

        Annaline Dampies
        067 451 0672

        Block Boundary
        Louisiana-, Keurboom-, Vygie-, Bloekom-, Buitekan Street

        Block 8

        Dora Willemse
        081 458 4253

        Block Boundary
        Protea-, Roos-, Besembos-, Keurboom Street

        Block 9

        Pauline Paulse
        073 785 9244

        Block Boundary
        Landbou-, Leeubekkie-, Geelhout-, Gouwsblom-, Domingo-, Magnolia Street

        Block 10

        Gerrit Visser
        065 377 3515

        Block Boundary
        Viooltjie-, Palm-, Botterboom-, Silwerboom Street

      • Ward 8

        Block 1

        Johanelle Crouse
        071 362 9509

        Block Boundary
        Kruin-, Olien-, Karob-, Karee-, Church-, Akasia Street

        Block 2

        Daniela Gagiano
        082 908 6028

        Block Boundary
        Buitesingel, Kruinsingel, Voortrekker Street,

        Block 3

        Graceline September
        082 636 3188

        Block Boundary
        Rietz-, Malherbe-, Waterkant-, Tuin-, Voortrekker weg, Hoop-, Rigg-, Kerk-, Muller-, Van Zyl Street

        Block 4

        Francien Klue
        081 898 8480

        Block Boundary
        Myrtlerigg-, Hope-, Cederlaan, Kort-, Muller-, Forest-, Van der Merwe-, Coetzee-, Reitz Street

        Block 5

        Serra Noble
        074 868 5760

        Block Boundary

        Block 6

        Lambertus Smith
        082 441 5949

        Block Boundary
        Mardouw, Drew

        Block 7

        Frederick Erasmus
        O76 106 4301

        Block Boundary

        Block 8

        Bettie Swarts
        076 724 7280

        Block Boundary

        Block 9

        Ledna Delot
        076 145 6846

        Block Boundary

        Block 10

        Thereese Slingers
        071 108 3765

        Block Boundary
        Wakkerstroom Oos

    • McGregor

      • Ward 5

        Block 1

        Emily-Mia Schiefner
        063 008 1461

        Block Boundary
        Darling-, Van Reenen-, Plein-, Meul-, Smit-, Lang Street

        Block 2

        Johanna Le Roux
        082 202 5176

        Block Boundary
        Bree-, Kerk-, Berg-,Grewe-, Tindall-, Loop-, Barry-, Meul Street

        Block 3


        Block Boundary
        Meul-, Keerom-, Piet Oktober-, Lang-, LadyGrey-, Eerste-, Tweede- Street

        Block 4

        Marie Lee
        064 041 7609

        Block Boundary
        Buitekant Street and Informal Settlement

        Block 5

        Charlotte Davids
        082 841 5108

        Block Boundary
        Voortrekker-, Tindall-, Kantoor-, Lang-, Hoop-, Barry-, Buitekant-, Hartzenberg-, Wiliemeyer-, Van Niekerk-, Pietmanvisser Street

        Block 6

        Claudius De Vries
        082 292 9779

        Block Boundary
        Corner from Voortrekker-, Van Reenen-, Lang-, Bree-, Buitekantstraat, Kerkstraat,

        Block 7

        Isak Muller
        079 727 3622

        Block Boundary
        Uitnood, Morcea, Sunshine, Steenboksvlakte, Takap, Buffelskloof

        Block 8

        Lauren Davids
        064 360 4796

        Block Boundary
        Buitehof , Silver Oaks, Koningsrivier

        Block 9

        Jan Jacobs
        079 624 6934

        Block Boundary
        Appelsdrift, Lechasseur, Mainchange

        Block 10

        Frans Brits
        071 604 7744

        Block Boundary
        Retreat, Wansbek , Agterkliphoogte

  • Administration

    Municipal Structure: Senior Management Team

    The Senior Management Team is the key force behind achievement of the municipality’s strategic goals and implement all programmes approved by council.

    The administration has just over 800 employees divided into the Executive Mayoral Office, the Municipal Manager's Office and five directorates - Financial Services, Engineering Services, Corporate Services, Community Services and Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services. The heads of departments and officials are responsible for physically implementing policy.


    The Municipal Manager, Mr Daniël Lubbe, is appointed by council to head the administration and provides the link between the political and administrative arms. 

    He is the accounting officer responsible for tasks and functions as provided for in the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, legislation and functions delegated to him by the Executive Mayor and Council. 

    The team of municipal officials provide services and physically implement the laws and policies.


    Click on any of the below departments to view more information

    Office of the Municipal Manager

    Municipal Management

    Municipal Manager

    Mr D.P. Lubbe

    023 615 8001
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Accounting officer of the municipality

    • Strategic management
    • Sound financial management
    • Improvement of communication and stake holder management
    • Fraud and Financial Misconduct Prevention

    • Investment Office

    Internal Audit and Risk Management

    Chief Audit Executive

    Mr A.Mati

    023 615 8000
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Prepare a risk-based audit plan and an internal audit program for each financial year
    • Advise the accounting officer and report to the audit committee on the implementation of the internal audit plan and matters relating to:
    • Internal audit
    • Internal controls
    • Accounting procedures and practices
    • Risk management

    • Performance management
    • Loss control
    • Compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003), the annual Division of Revenue Act and any other applicable legislation
    Corporate Services


    Director Corporate Services

    Mr A.W.J. Everson

    023 615 8007
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    • Administration Support
    • Governance
    • Human Resources
    • Labour Relations
    • Traffic Services

    Administrative Support and Property Management

    Senior Manager Administrative Support

    Mr M. Moelich

    023 615 8000
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    • Council and Committee Admin
    • Municipalities Property Administration
    • Official Record Management
    • Internal Telephone and Printing services

    Governance Support

    Assistant Manager: Governance Support

    Mr A.G. Bronn

    023 615 8013

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    • Service Delivery Call Centre

    • Ward Committees Admin and Community Liaison Workers

    Human Resources

    Manager: Human Resources

    Mr T. Carstens

    023 615 8035

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    • Recruiting & Selection
    • Employee Wellness
    • Job Evaluations
    • Personnel Maintenance
    • Induction Training
    • Skills Development
    • Individual Performance Management

    Labour Relations

    Manager|: Labour Relations

    Mr. E. Jooste

    023 615 8018

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    • Labour Relations Administration
    • Disciplinary Management
    • Handling of grievances/complaints
    • Dispute resolution
    • Dealing with Collective Labour Relations Issues
    • Occupational Health and Safety

    Traffic and Law Enforcement Services

    Chief: Traffic Services


    023 615 8901

    • Traffic Management
    • Licensing and Registration
    • Road markings /signs
    • Law Enforcement
    • Education and Training
    • Security

    Senior Superintendent: Traffic Services

    Mr A.J. Dondolo

    023 615 8901 and 082 806 5112

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    Community Services


    Director Community Services

    Mr M. Mgajo

    023 626 8200
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    • Fire & Disaster Management
    • Housing Administration
    • Libraries
    • Parks and Nature Conservations
    • Community Facilities
      • Community Halls
      • Sport Facilities & Development
      • Swimming Pool
    • Municipal Cemeteries

    Fire and Disaster Management Services

    Chief Fire and Disaster Management

    Mr N.E. Mdluli

    023 615 1086

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    • Disaster management
    • Fire and emergency rescue services

    Human Settlements Administration

    Manager: Human Settlements Administration

    Ms M.B. Brown

    023 626 8200

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    • Manage all applications for low cost housing subsidies
    • Delegations to subordinates
    • Writing of Housing Committee reports
    • Handling of waiting lists
    • Handling all applications for transfer of houses
    • Facilitating Housing Consumer Education
    • Selling houses (rental stock) and processing applications for the Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme (EEDBS)
    • The department coordinates budget allocations by the Department of Local Government and Housing (DPLG & H)
    • Managing rental units
    • Control of informal Settlements


    Manager: Libraries

    Ms F.Q. Gumede

    023 615 8000

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    • Managing and Operating the budget on Libraries
    • Maintenance of the Libraries
    • Issuing of Books and Library material
    • Ensure the execution of Council’s Policy on Facilities
    • Ensure access to information and knowledge
    • Client services and communication with the users and public
    • Ensure access to information technology and computer training

    Parks and Amenities

    Manager: Parks and Amenities


    023 626 8200

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    • Cleaning and beautification of open spaces
    • Management of Hiking trails and recreation (picnic) areas
    • Planting, pruning and mowing of trees, shrubs and grass
    • Development and maintenance of play parks
    • Maintenance of tools and equipment
    • Cemeteries
      • Managing and control of cemeteries
      • Ensuring available space for burials within cemetery terrains
      • Providing adequate graves
      • Built-up graves
      • Handling pauper funerals
      • Managing application of tariffs
      • Keeping cemetery record in place
      • Upholding neatness

    Community Facilities

    Manager: Community Facilities

    Ms L. April

    023 625 8200

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    • Community Halls
      • Managing and Operating the budget on Halls
      • Maintenance of the Halls
      • Handling reservations and tariffs;
      • Ensure the execution of Council’s Policy on Facilities
      • Access control
    • Sport Facilities and Development
      • Initiate and facilitate Sport Development
      • Facilitating Sport Administration
      • Initiating Partnerships for Sports Management
      • Identifying and including Stakeholders in sports management
      • Initiating, developing and facilitating Programmes
      • Maintenance of sports grounds and public toilets;
      • Responsible to ensure that all Langeberg sports facilities are fully utilised and well maintained to acceptable standards.
    • Swimming Pool
      • Managing and operating Swimming Pool
      • Maintenance of the Swimming Pool
      • Handling reservations and tariffs;
      • Ensure the execution of Council’s Policy on Facilities
      • Access control
      • Client services and communication with the users and public

    Engineering Services


    • Civil Engineering Services
    • Electrical Engineering Services
    • Project Management
    • Solid Waste Management
    • Town Planning and Building Control

    Civil Engineering Services

    Senior Manager: Civil Engineering Services

    Mr C.G.H. Posthumus

    023 615 8000

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    • Civil roads, Storm water systems
    • Compiling of tenders and annual budget implementation
    • Bulk water provision for household use
    • Water and wastewater Purification and Distribution
    • Water and wastewater reticulation
    • Roads and stormwater
    • Irrigation water
    • Sewage and sanitation - Networks & Purification
    • Planning and maintenance of civil infrastructure
    • Transport and traffic planning
    • Fleet management
    • Mechanical workshop

    Electrical Engineering Services

    Manager: Electrical Engineering Services

    Mr G.A. Lotter

    023 626 8200

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    • To manage the planning, design and maintenance of Councils electrical networks, personnel and equipment for the effective, efficient, safe and economical pursuit of the Department
    • Electrical Engineering Services within the framework of corporate purpose structure design in terms of various legislation, the Constitution and policy directions of the Council
    • Electricity distribution
    • Planning and maintenance of electrical infrastructure

    Project Management

    Manager: Project Management

    Mr N. Albertyn

    023 614 8000

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    • Project Management

    Solid Waste Management

    Manager: Solid Waste Management

    Mr G. Slingers

    023 616 8000

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    • Refuse removal
    • Street cleansing
    • Manage Transfer stations
    • Composting
    • Safe waste disposal
    • Awareness programmes

    Statutory and Town Planning

    Manager: Town Planning

    Ms T.L. Brunings

    023 614 8000

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    • Spatial Planning
    • Land Use Management
    • Building Control
    • Performing building inspections
    • Investigating complaints and, if necessary, instituting prosecution
    • Receipt and scrutiny of building plans
    • Calculation of building plans
    • Enforcement of National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (Act 103 of 1977)
    • Enforcement of Occupational Safety and Health Act (Act 85 of 1993)
    • Valuation of Council property
    • Studying new building methods
    • Updating building plans register
    • Collection, preparation and processing of building plan statistics for Council and Central Statistics Service.
    • Integrated Spatial Information System
    • Marketing and Liaison

    Financial Services


    Director Financial Services (CFO)

    Mr M. Shude

    023 615 8029
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    • Responsible for the functioning and management of the directorate which includes financial support services, income/expenditure and information and communication technology. (personnel corps of approximately 50)
    • Responsible for implementation of Council’s policy with regards to financial functions
    • Writing of reports, minutes and letters
    • Implementation of budget control

    Budget Office

    Manager: Budget Office


    023 615 8000

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    • Auxiliary Services
    • Financial Statements
    • Asset and Store Management
    • Reporting

    • Budget and Costing

    Income Services

    Manager: Income Services


    023 615 8000

    • Credit Control
    • Property Rates & Services
    • Services & Meter Reading
    • Paypoints

    Expenditure Services

    Manager: Expenditure Services

    Mr C.J. Franken

    023 615 8000

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    • Salaries
    • Creditors

    Supply Chain Management

    Manager: Supply Chain Management

    Mr S. Ngcongolo

    023 615 8000

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    • Register potential suppliers to the Supplier Database
    • Updating the Database from time to time
    • Request quotations from suppliers
    • Assist on opening tenders to the public
    • Liaise with suppliers
    • Handle tender administration
    • Implementing the Supply Chain Policy
    • Handle administration functions in the Supply Chain Unit

    Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services


    Director: Economic, Social and Integrated Development Services

    Ms C.O. Matthys

    023 626 8201 and 078 801 0482
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    • Information Systems and Technology

    • Local Economic Development & EPWP

    • Facilitate Rural Development

    • Social Development
    • Early Childhood and Youth Development

    • Policy and Strategy formulation (Economic information and research)

    • Social Development Facilitation

    • Tourism

    • Communication

    • Gender and woman empowerment

    • Social crime and substance abuse prevention

    • Integrated Development Planning

    • Organisational Performance Management



    Ms I. Cook

    023 626 8201

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    Local tourism
    • Events Application
    • Film Application
    • Street Signage Application
    Rural development
    • Establish partnerships between the commercial farmer, farm worker, wine cellars and the Langeberg Municipality.
    • Establish a functional network of present and future service providers for the rural communities.
    • Promote integrated rural development and social upliftment with the purpose of improving the quality of life and the standard of living of all farm workers.
    • Promote the social, health, civic, physical, economical and intellectual development of rural communities.
    • Empower farm communities, through skill development initiatives, to take ownership of their own development.
    • Promote rural development in general in the Langeberg Municipal area of jurisdiction.
    Land Reform
    • Land Reform is a National Government function, however, the Langeberg Municipality facilitates the process between the Department and the beneficiaries.
    Local Economic Development
    • Poverty Alleviation and reduction
    • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    • Trade and investment promotion
    • Small business support
    • Economic information and research
    • Business Licensing
    • Street Markets and Trading
    • EPWP Workers
    • Arts and Culture
    • WorkFinder website platform

    MANAGER: Integrated Development Plan (IDP), Communication and Performance Management System (PMS)


    Ms A. Swarts

    023 626 8201

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    • Managing the IDP process and executing associated public participation processes to draft the IDP

    • Submission of an accredited IDP to council for approval and publish adopted IDP draft to obtain public comments

    • Submission of an approved IDP by council to the MEC for Local Government

    • Compiling the Performance Management policy

    • Facilitate the drafting, adopting and effective implementation of an organizational PMS linked to the IDP.

    • Manage internal and external communication by utilising communication platforms within and outside local government.

      • Media liaison
      • Social media presence
      • Municipal website
      • Bulk SMS and Database system
      • Monthly Newsletters
      • Marketing and Branding
      • Graphic design and Photography
      • Compile Annual Report

    Information Communication Technologies (ICT)


    Mr U.B. Bakaco

    023 626 8201

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    Managing the effective functioning and availability of network, infrastructure, communication technology and PC services within the municipality.

    • Technical strategy planning, developing, tracking and controlling the ICT annual operating and capital budgets to deliver effective, efficient and economic ICT services.

    • Provide new systems/programs and maintain existing systems/programs

    • Provide ICT risk and governance administration

    • Manage and evaluate personnel of the ICT Department

    National & Provincial Departments