Local Economic Development
How to apply for a business license
If you are operating a formal or informal business in the Langeberg municipal area, you must be in possession of a Business License, in terms of the Business Act, 1991 (Act 71 of 1991).
Obtain a Business license application form from Ms Thandeka Danti who can be contacted by email:
The application form must be completed, and the applicable levy paid. The completed application and proof of payment must be submitted to Ms T Danti.
The application will be circulated for comments and if the premises are compliant, your Business License will be issued within 21 working days.
If there are any outstanding matters, the business license will only be issued once all issues have been addressed.
The following businesses are exempt from obtaining a business license:
- Business operated by the state or municipality (e.g.: municipal canteen)
- Business operated by a charitable, religious, educational, or cultural institution, agricultural organization, only if all the profits are solely devoted to the purposes of that organization (e.g., school tuck shop, church bazaar)
- The informal traders selling clothing, flowers, haberdashery, fruit and vegetables from an approved informal trading area.
- All other formal and informal businesses not mentioned above.
Both formal and informal businesses trading with food and perishable foodstuffs MUST be in possession of both a Business License, and a Certificate of Acceptability from the Cape Winelands District Municipality. This is to ensure that the premises comply with health standards.
Enquiries can be made to Ms S Grootboom on 023 626 8305 or
How to apply for an event
All events in the Langeberg Municipal area has to go through an application and approval process to ensure the event is safe for the public and comply to the municipality's Events By-law. Event applications need to be submitted at least two month before the actual event date. The following steps will guide you through how the process works.
- Contact the municipality regarding a proposed event in the Langeberg Municipal area.
- Determine if the proposed activity is regarded as an event in terms of our Event By-law (Click here to read the Event By-Law).
- If it determined that your event needs to follow the application process, an application form will be made available to complete.
Once complete application, relevant document and proof of payment is received, and checked for completeness in terms of the Event Requirements document (Click here to download all the related application forms). - The complete application is sent to all Event Evaluation Team members to provide inputs. Clarity on comments / concerns are taken up with the event organizer. The comments are then included in a letter detailing the application outcome which is submitted to the Municipal Manager for review and signature.
- Once the Municipal Manager reviewed and signed the letter, it is forwarded to the applicant to inform them of the application outcome.
How to apply for tourism road signage
All tourism related road signage must comply with the South African Road Traffic Signs Manual in accordance with the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996). The Tourism Official is the only point of entry in the Langeberg Municipal area for Tourism Road Signage applications.
- To apply for Tourism Road Signage or any enquiries contact Ms. Arzalia Wantza at 023 626 8276 or-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - The requested signage must comply with the warrants as set out in the South African Road Traffic Signs Manual. If the requested signage complies with the warrants, a site visit will be arranged.
- During the site visit the Tourism Official will go through the application forms and explain what is needed from the applicant.
- The applicable application fee must be paid to Langeberg Municipality and the receipt attached to the completed application in order for application to be processed.
- The completed application must then be submitted to the Tourism Official to ensure that the application is complete and correct. Copies of the necessary documentation to be attached.
- After submission the application is reviewed by the Town Planning Department: Langeberg Municipality in order to be submitted to the Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC).
If the application complies with all the warrants and is signed off by the Town Planning Department: Langeberg Municipality, then only is it submitted to the Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC) where it is discussed and approved/rejected. These meetings are held every second month and are attended by the Tourism Official.
The Provincial Roads Engineer will inform the applicant of the outcome in writing. If approved, the Provincial Roads Engineer will provide the exact specifications for the signage and the list of accredited manufactures.
Signs may only be manufactured by an accredited manufacturer and may also only include the symbol/s which have been approved.
Signs that do not conform to the specified designs will not be erected.
All costs are for the applicant.
Unauthorized advertisements or "illegal" tourism road signage, applicable to a specific property, will negatively affect an application.
How to register on the EPWP database
EPWP offers short-term and medium-termwork opportunities for those who are unemployed or unskilled.
- Are you unemployed and over the age of 18.
- People with disabilities are encouraged to register.
- Simply submit the application form with a copy of your South African ID document and CV at your nearest municipal office.
How to become an Informal Trader
Informal trading is controlled by the municipality. Informal traders are required to get trading permits and may only trade in specified areas.
First-time traders must bring the following documentation to the Langeberg Municipality, Commando Office, 04 Church Street, Robertson:
- Before considering an application, the municipality would be informed of the type of trading goods that the applicant intends to sell or the services that the applicant intends to render, bearing in mind the existing businesses in that trading area.
- South African citizens must have proof of ID or an ID Smart Card.
- Foreigners must have a passport and a valid work permit.
- We check to see which stalls are available.
- Payments and trading permits are done at the cashiers.
- We advise the traders to always keep their permits with them when they are trading, as Law Enforcement officers does regular check-ups.
- Traders selling meals or perishable food must have a health certificate, which is obtainable from Cape Winelands District Municipality.
Trading areas:
- Hope Street, Robertson
- Kantoor Street, McGregor
- Corner of Hani and Burwana Street, Nkqubela
- Mark Street, Montagu
- Main Road, Bonnievale
- Daily or monthly rates apply to book your plot.
- Monthly traders book permits at the end of each month for the new month.
- Daily traders book permits 1-2 days before business.
How to do business with a municipality
Langeberg Municipality solely make use of the Central Supplier Database (CSD) for all business with prospective suppliers.
Prospective suppliers interested in pursuing opportunities with Langeberg Municipality and within the South African government are encouraged to register on the Central Supplier Database website at csd.gov.za.
The CSD website also hosts the E-Tender Portal, which provides suppliers access to business opportunities. Suppliers will be required to keep their data updated regularly.
Prospective suppliers can go to the Municipal Libraries or Thusong Center for assistance with the internet and gain access to the CSD website.
For further information on the CSD contact:
- National Treasury at 012 406 9222 or e-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Langeberg Municipality Supply Chain Management Department (Mr Allister Regue) at 023 615 8000 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Further Information
Ms Inge Cook
023 626 8201
Ms Inge Cook
023 626 8201
Ms Arzalia Wantza
023 626 8276
Ms Octavia Richards-Liemens
023 626 8201
Ms Thandeka Danti
023 626 8201
Mr Loyiso Ngqakase
023 626 8201
Mr Peter-John Rosant
023 626 8201
Application Forms
How to Apply for a Business License
How to Apply for Events
Event Application Form
Application for Intended Gathering
Application for Temporary Street Closure
Application for Display of Banners
How to Apply for Tourism Road Signage
Application for Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)