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Electricity Services

Pre-paid Electricity

Pre-paid electricity can be purchased at the following vending outlets in the Langeberg Municipality: View Outside Vendor List here

Consumers are requested to report vendors at the municipality, which imposes a prerequisite for their products to be purchased before consumers can buy electricity.

The electricity tariffs for the 2024-2025 Financial Year is available here.

How to update your prepaid electricity meter before 24 November 2024

All STS prepaid electricity meter software in South Africa is being updated to prepare for a Token ID (TID) Rollover on 24 November 2024.

Langeberg Municipality launched an initiative in October 2023 in which appointed service provider, Syntell, made door-to-door visits to assist residents with the inspection and re-programming of prepaid electricity meters. Syntell successfully configured 55% of prepaid meters to accept the new STS Edition 2 tokens, which will be generated from 24 November 2024.

What to do if my pre-paid meter box has not been updated?

The do-it-yourself phase of the project will begin on 01 July 2024. This process enables consumers to update their own meters.

If this is not done, the prepaid meter will be unable to accept tokens, leaving the consumer without access to electricity from 24 November 2024.

How to update my pre-paid meter:

On the customer’s next purchase, they will receive 3 x 20-digit update tokens:

  • Two 20-digit update tokens and
  • one regular credit token.

All three tokens must be entered into the meter in the order that they appear.

Any purchase thereafter will contain only the usual 20-digit token.

Prepaid meter users should recharge any previously purchased vouchers before they enter the codes to update the meter.

Should you have any queries or need assistance, contact the Syntell Service desk at:

  • Phone: 0218121877
  • WhatsApp: 0727289229
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternative Energy Generation

Langeberg Municipality encourage the installation of private Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) systems, particularly Rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) systems.

Solar PV technology converts energy from the sun to electricity, which can be used in buildings of all sizes. Investment in installing a PV system reduce electricity costs and contribute to a more secure and sustainable future.

Connecting Alternative Energy Generating systems without approval, is illegal and dangerous.

Illegally connected systems could compromise the safety of your family, municipal staff and the electricity grid. All new and existing PV Systems must be authorised by Langeberg Municipality. Poorly installed roof top PV systems and illegal grid connections are a safety concern for the following reasons:

  • The household may be exposed to the risk of electrical fires and electric shock.
  • The safety and the power quality of the electricity grid may be compromised by connections that use the wrong equipment or by adding unplanned generation capacity to apart of the network not designed to carry it.
  • The safety of electricity staff working on the reticulation network could be compromised by the electricity feeding into the grid from illegally connected PV installations.
Before purchasing a system, please consider the following:

Before installing a Solar PV system, it makes economic sense to first become more energy efficient. By doing so, you will reduce the size and cost of the PV system you need.

  • Consider installing an efficient water heater (solar water heater or heat pump),
  • Install efficient lighting and
  • Switching to gas for cooking and heating.

For  more tips go to

Obtain written authorisation from Langeberg Municipality:

If you are planning to install a system that connects to your distribution board and the Municipal connection in any way (even just for charging the batteries), you need to obtain written authorisation from Langeberg Municipality.

  • Click here to apply online for authorisation: Use the “Applicant Login” to Register. The Registration process is simple and easy. Thereafter you can Login and begin the authorisation process by Creating a new Application.

Please do not proceed with installation until written authorisation has been granted.

Stand-alone systems must be registered with the Municipality but are not required to go through the full authorisation process.

Backup generators must also be registered with the Municipality.

View the REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL GENERATION (BELOW 1 MVA (1 000 kVA CAPACITY) here. This includes solar photovoltaic systems (including Solar photovoltaic Geysers), Uninterrupted power supplies, Alternative power supplies, Peak shaving or any additional power source equipment and LV standby generators in the Municipality’s Licensed area of supply. 

For systems larger than 1MVA (1 000kVA), please contact the Electrical Department directly (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

How to register and connect your alternative electrical generation equipment : 
  • Obtain a structural assessment:
    Generally, roofs can withstand the weight and wind load of PV panels. However, it is advisable to obtain a structural assessment of the roof to determine whether it can withstand these loads. A structural engineer can help with this.

  • No need to submit building plans:
    There is no need to submit building plans to the Langeberg Municipality for PV systems - unless the panels protrude more than 600 mm above the highest point of the roof, or they are raised more than 1.5m above any point on the roof, or if ground mounted, the panels in their installed position project more than 2.1m above the natural/finished ground level.

  • Buy the correct inverter:
    If you are planning to install a system that connects to your distribution board and the Municipal connection in any way (even just for charging the batteries), be sure to use a NRS097 certified inverter.

  • Check PV panel standards:
    At the very least, ensure that the PV panels you will use have a Certificate of Compliance for the IEC standard: EC 61215 − Crystalline silicon terrestrial PV modules. IEC standards are the international version of the SABS and are a good indication of panel quality. Ask your service provider for proof.

  • Store batteries safely:
    If you are installing batteries, make sure that they are stored in a properly racked, well ventilated, dry room and in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Act 85 of 1993.

  • Applying for registration: Complete the form online here.

  • For quality installations,  make use of an installer accredited by SAPVIA who can issue a Green Card for your installation. See

For more information about Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems please contact Mr C Opperman at 023 626 8266 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All documents relating to Alternative Energy Generation are available here.

Electrical Master Plan